Camp Bantam is the Reunion Weekend program for children age 3-16.

Children over the age of 16 should be registered as adults attending the weekend. Children under the age of 3 are not eligible to participate in Camp Bantam but may attend events other than Saturday evening Reunion receptions and dinners with a registered adult free of charge. Registration for Camp Bantam is included in the main registration form for the weekend.

Below is the schedule from Camp Bantam at Reunion Weekend 2024! Details of Camp Bantam at Reunion Weekend 2025 will be available later this winter.

Friday, June 7 

Camp Bantam: Reunion Welcome Lunch

Noon–1:30 p.m.
This session includes a children’s ticket to the Reunion Welcome. Children must be  accompanied by a parent.

Camp Bantam: Welcome Events

4:00–6:00 p.m.
This session includes a children’s ticket valid at any welcome receptions, including the Alumni Row. Children must be accompanied by a parent. This session is free of charge with the purchase of at least one Camp Bantam session, but preregistration is required. 

Camp Bantam: Friday Night 

6:00–8:00 p.m.
This session includes a children’s meal and access to all family-friendly activities at the All-Reunion Dinner. Children must be accompanied by a parent. ($30 per child) 

 Saturday, June 8 

Camp Bantam: Saturday Breakfast

9:00 a.m.–noon
This session includes a children’s ticket valid at any breakfast option on campus. Children must be accompanied by a parent. This session is free of charge with the purchase of at least one Camp Bantam session, but preregistration is required. 

Camp Bantam: Saturday on the Quad

Noon–2:00 p.m.
This session includes a children’s meal at the Alumni Bicentennial Celebration Lunch, and an afternoon of games, crafts, entertainment, and more! Children must be accompanied by a parent. Brought to you in conjunction with Legacy Childcare. ($30 per child) 

Camp Bantam: After Dark

5:30-10:00 p.m.
This daycare-style session allows parents to drop their children off at the beginning of the evening and pick them up at the end. It includes dinner, activities, entertainment, snack, and a special gift. Children will be divided into small groups based on age for activities. Quiet space will be set aside for younger children requiring rest or a nap. Brought to you in conjunction with Legacy Childcare. Note: Reunion Celebration Dinners are not family-friendly events; parents are responsible for providing dinner for Reunion attendees ages 16 and younger not registered for Camp Bantam: After Dark. Camp Bantam: After Dark is not available for children under the age of 3. ($100 per child) 

Sunday, June 9 

Camp Bantam: Sunday Breakfast

8:00–11:00 a.m.
This session includes a children’s ticket valid at any breakfast option on campus and admission to Sunday morning. Children must be accompanied by a parent. This session is free of charge with the purchase of at least one Camp Bantam session, but preregistration is required. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Children ages 3-16 attending with a registered adult are eligible to participate in Camp Bantam. Children under the age of 3 are not eligible to participate in Camp Bantam programming but may accompany a registered adult to family-friendly events and meals free of charge. Guests over the age of 16 should be registered as adult attendees.

When you complete your registration, children attending with you should be listed as guests. The registration form will then include a page dedicated to signing up for Camp Bantam. All meals for children age 3-16 must be purchased via registration for Camp Bantam. Children under the age of 3 may accompany a registered adult to family-friendly meals free of charge.

Legacy Childcare is a company that specializes in providing children’s activities and childcare at college Reunion and Homecoming events. You can learn more about Legacy Childcare by visiting their website.