Software Setup & Tutorials
This section describes the supported software and applications at Trinity College. Most applications are accompanied by some instructions for setting up and learning more on your own. As always, please contact staff for additional support.
Tools for Teaching and Learning
- Moodle
- Remote Teaching & Learning Tools
- Zoom
- Kaltura & Streaming video
- Specialized & Discipline-specific Software
- Creating Web Sites
- Digital Scholarship Tools
Workshops and Additional Help: The Libraries & Digital Learning department offers workshops and events on timely subjects of interest to faculty and students. These events will be listed on the campus calendar and advertised on the LITS home page. You can also contact your instructional technologist, or the Student Technology Assistants for help using software.
Email and Calendaring Clients
- Outlook Web App (Office365) and Outlook for the web help from Microsoft
- Microsoft Outlook general help and Microsoft Outlook Junk Email help
- Setup Outlook for the first time: Outlook for Windows | Outlook for Mac
- Download for your personal computer: Microsoft Office
- Mail Help from Apple for Mac OS X
- Setup Mail for the first time: Mac OS X
- Setup for phones, devices and clients: General email configuration instructions
Virus Protection and Spyware
Productivity Suites
- Standard software list for Trinity faculty and staff
- Microsoft Office website
- Download Microsoft Office for your personal computer
File Storage
- Accessing Tamba, Zep, Tcdata or Tbos File Servers
- Share OneDrive files and folders
- Allow others to upload files to your OneDrive by creating a File Request
- OneDrive Help and Learning