For nearly 30 years, Trinity College has partnered with the Neighborhood Revitalization Zones (NRZs) in the three neighborhoods surrounding the College to increase homeownership rates, address public safety concerns, steer volunteers to neighborhood cleanups, and provide space for monthly meetings, in addition to supporting and participating in dozens of smaller ad hoc events and activities they've organized.


Neighborhood Revitalization Zones (NRZs) are legally recognized organizational platforms that empower community leaders to revitalize their neighborhoods through a collaborative process involving residents, as well as public, private, and non-profit stakeholders. Trinity College has been a steadfast supporter of community revitalization efforts even before NRZs were formally established by state law in 1995. This support was initially provided through neighborhood problem-solving groups and community organizing partners like Hartford Areas Rally Together (HART).

These problem-solving groups quickly transitioned into NRZs, largely due to state funding and legislation that provided neighborhoods with the resources to address critical issues identified through strategic planning. Hartford NEXT serves as the coalition of all Hartford’s NRZs and the City of Hartford. Since their inception, Trinity College has supported the three NRZs in the neighborhoods immediately surrounding the college—Frog Hollow, Barry Square, and Behind the Rocks—through staff and funding support.



Live Summaries 


Trinity College is proud to have built these websites for our NRZ partners and trained community leaders to manage their content.  Please visit our partners to learn more about their work and review their archives pages for their official histories of their work and accomplishments.

Frog Hollow NRZ Maple Ave. Revitalization Group Southwest & Behind the Rocks NRZ