Description of Traditional Fees

General Fee

The General Fee partially finances the operation of the Student Center, provides for vocational tests, laboratory fees, and admission to athletic events.

Student Activity Fee

The Student Activity Fee is set by the Student Budget Committee to support student organizations, publications, admission to Austin Arts Center, and WRTC, the campus radio station.

Late Fees on Tuition Accounts

A late payment fee of $100 may be assessed for each month if payment is not received by due date on invoice.

Returned Check Fee

If the bank returns a check for any reason, a processing charge of $40 and a late fee will be assessed.  We are unable to redeposit any checks returned from the bank.

Health Insurance Fee

All undergraduates, regardless of site of study, must provide proof of health insurance coverage every school year. This is accomplished by either enrolling in the student insurance plan or by waiving coverage online. In order to have  the student insurance fee removed from your tuition bill, you must do the waiver online.  Details on student health insurance policy can be found at